Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why do we need motivation...?

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Anbusivam’s blog page.

When I am asked why do we need motivation in our life? I ask what makes them wake up everyday, rush to work irrespective of various problems in office and involve in regular routine. If we think these are really painful every day, then what makes us do the same mundane activities day after day all through our life?

As Anthony Robbins put it, “There are two things that motivate us to success: Inspiration or Desperation.

While operating from inspiration side, we strive to achieve something really great in our life and we are fully dedicated towards that higher goal or purpose. In that pleasure of pursuing the higher goal we normally tend to overlook the smaller pains and troubles we face in our day to day lives.

While operating from desperation side, we strive to get out of something that really bothers us and we are equally committed to work towards something better than what we are today. In that pursuit of coming out of the pain at present we normally tend to overlook the smaller pains and troubles we face in our day to day lives.

Inspiration or desperation, none of them is fully right or wrong, and no human being is operating completely from inspiration or desperation side. We tend to act according to the situations around, entirely based on our existing patterns that have been programmed all along our life since childhood. Either way is appropriate moving towards pleasure or moving away from pain, where as people moving towards inspirational goals are widely appreciated by the world around us.

A nice quote I came across just flashed in my mind and that goes like this:
The world is moved by highly motivated people, highly energetic folks, enthusiastic men and women who want to achieve something great and believe in greater aspirations.
Let’s find out our appropriate style of motivation that will drive us towards our greater purpose in life.

With Love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Siva,

This article is really fine.

Unknown said...

Thanks Saravana for your encouragement...!!!

Ilham Abadi said...

Mr Anbusivam,

I agree with your quote. Furthermore, I have use your Quote (with the reference to your name) in my blog. Please give me the permission to republish your quote.

Thanks & keep cheering people up with your word of wisdom

Unknown said...

Dear Illham,

Thanks for your comment and thanks for using my quote. These are the lines for a book of Swami Chinmayananda, which I've slightly modified. All credit goes to him. I am just a messenger spreading all good messages I come across.


Ilham Abadi said...

Thanks sir,

As u said, u have modified it, the credit goes to u. It's your version now.

Do give some comment in my blog.

Thanks again,