Friday, June 20, 2008

Excellence Always from Tom Peters

Hello Friends.

Welcome to Anbusivam’s blog page.

In my previous post on Personal Brand, I just wrote down some of my thoughts, that popped up while pondering over the term "branding our own self" with the global brand Coke as an analogy. Interesting comments/replies from my friends and readers came in, which made me dig further into the aspects of branding.

My further study on personal branding ended up in the homepage of Tom Peters,
an American writer on business management practices. The term Personal branding is thought to have been first used and discussed in an 1997 article by Tom Peters. Personal branding is the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.

His famous book In Search of Excellence was published in 1982, and became a bestseller. Here is an interesting video from Tom on "Excellence Always"

Thanks for visiting my page.

With Love

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leadership in Building Our Personal Brand

Hello Friends.

Welcome to Anbusivam’s blog page.

After my previous post on
PepsiCo's Leadership Philosophy, here I’ve some thoughts to learn from Coca-Cola alias Coke.

The moment, I thought of writing on branding, first came in my mind was the survey I came across last year from Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2007. The brand “Coca-Cola” ranks 1st among the 100 global brands surveyed, with the estimated brand value of worth $65B.

Personal Branding is some thing that each one of us should sincerely think about. I am sure the moment we hear the word “Coke” number of thoughts comes up in us about Coca-Cola, which is nothing but just a soda. In the same way, the moment when someone hears “our name”, what are the kinds of thoughts that occur in their mind…? Do we really have control on what others think of us…? Can we manage our reputation, perception, image that other people have about us…?

If not 100%, I am sure it is possible for us to have a substantial control of what others think of us. This could be made possible only by the way we live, the values we choose, the way we interact with others and the way we give back to the society. Key point to notice here is, we need not blow our own trumpet, but let’s clearly communicate to the people around us about what our values and ethics are, particularly through our deeds not just words. It’s nothing but creating an identity, mage or a perception on us.

Starting point of this is to answer this important question “What do we want to be known for?” When we seek answers for this question sincerely from the bottom of our heart, we would be able to effortlessly create our own reputation in our family, among our friends and colleagues, wherein they will clearly understand the kind of person we are.

As pertinent to any other brand, some of the key qualities of our personal branding should be honesty, clarity, reliability and consistency. Of course, better branding plays a key role in every aspect of our lives like getting a graduate school admission, finding a perfect soul mate, getting a good job and so on.

Above all it’s not going to be an overnight process; it has to be built brick by brick with utmost sincerity. Let’s start building our own “Personal Brand”, I am sure its going to be a pleasant life time pursuit.

Thanks for visiting my page.

With Love

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PepsiCo's Leadership Philosophy of Performance with Purpose

Hello Friends.

Welcome to Anbusivam’s blog page.
Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi, PepsiCo's CEO, named frequently as one of the most powerful business leaders in the world, listed as fifth most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine, named among Time's most influential people in 2007 - 2008, spoke about the key roles that PepsiCo's employees play in realizing the vision of "Performance with Purpose".

Nooyi says, she believes that each one of PepsiCo’s 185,000 employees is a leader. There are two reasons for this. First, PepsiCo is a meritocracy. Hard work gets recognized. Second, PepsiCo has an entrepreneurial culture, so people have the ability to take the initiative to develop good ideas.

These are some skills that Nooyi believes to be the hallmarks of a good leader:

1. Competence:

You must be an expert in your function or area of expertise. You will become known for that.

2. Take a stand:
You must be known for your courage and confidence to act and say what you believe is right.

3. Communication skills:
Communication skills are critical. You can never over-invest in them.

4. Coaching:
Surround yourself with good mentors. Listen. Learn. Your mentor is a major force.

5. Your moral compass:
Have the strength and courage to do what’s morally right, not what’s expedient. Your moral compass must be your true north.

She also says that, Companies that want to grow and prosper must attract the best people to come to work for them. That means having a work environment that inspires people, motivates them, and brings out their best.

According to her, it’s important to create an inclusive culture: a place where people can “bring their whole selves to work.” A place where diverse values, beliefs, and practices are treated with respect. It’s also vital that people are shown respect by speaking to them with truth and candor. Give people honest feedback. Let them know where they stand. Be clear about what they need to do to improve or to reach their career goals.

Find below her interview for ASTD's training and development magazine T+D. --> Performance with Purpose

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With Love