Sunday, August 31, 2008

David Allen's - "Getting Things Done"

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Anbusivam's Blog Page.

When I was browsing through a near by book store this evening, I came across an interesting book titled "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. A quick read through that book gave me a number of tips and tricks to get things done in our personal and professional life.

Its all about productivity, achieving maximum out of our life while managing anxiety and stress to a great extent, making life simple and effective. "Getting Things Done" abbreviated as GTD is a simple and flexible method for managing our day-to-day tasks or activities, so as to maximize personal productivity. GTD basically changes the traditional focus of prioritizing the tasks to meticulously keeping track of opportunities and commitments for action. I wrote this post after a quick glance of the book and yes, I am yet to start reading the book.

I'll come with a detailed post after reading the book and experimenting some of the very interesting concepts of GTD.

Thanks for visiting my page.

With Love,


John B. Kendrick said...

Siva, you might want to take a look at a blog post I wrote at I was a Covey fanatic until I found the same book earlier this year, and it has literally changed my business and personal life. I know get many more things done. Is that MMTD? :-)

Unknown said...

Thank You John for your comment, and more details on GTD.

Unknown said...

Thank You Danniel. Yeah "gtdagenda" seems to be interesting. I'll check it out.

Unknown said...
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