Sunday, June 14, 2009

Power of deciding our happiness.

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Anbusivam's Blog Page.

"What is that, ultimately you want in life...???"

When I asked this question to people I know from all walks of life, starting from a grade 5 student to as elderly as 95 yrs old. The final answer always lead to someting like this,

"I want to be Happy in Life, Happiness is what I want."

I am sure each and every single action we perform in our lives is to seek happiness. Be the CEO of a million dollar corporate or a floor boy in a small office, irrespective of caste, creed, status and religion, happiness is what we all seek all the time. Unfortunately we seek something all over the world that is actually hidden within ourselves in abundance.

With few personal experiments in my own life, I am completely convinced that we can never find real happiness outside us. If we happen to find happiness from something or someone outside us, then its never going to be a permanent one. May be that will last for a second or a minute or a day or for few months. Never can one get a permanent happiness from the external things outside in this world. We human beings are creatures of choice. We have got the great boon of choosing to be happy irrespective of what happens outside. This may sound too philosophical on the first go, but actually this is the ultimate truth that we need to understand.

For example, you have a simple mobile phone with which you can make only phone calls, that being your basic requirement. You feel miserable, seeing yourself in the midst of your friends who are gadget geeks playing around with their high tech phones with which calls could also be made. Now, thinking that you will get happiness with a brand new phone, you buy a new phone with all possible features in it. You think that you are the happiest person in this world with your new gadget, only until you come across an another friend having a device better than yours. At that very moment your happiness ceases to exist and you start thinking you could have bought this one. You feel miserable again.

Here your happiness is fully based on a mobile phone. You the intelligent being had given out the power of deciding your happiness to a lifeless electronic instrument.

We all have made and heard the following statements in our lives:

"You make me unhappy"

"You are making me furious"

"I'll be happy, if you love me"

"I am always upset because of you"

"I don't like to see you"

"I hate this traffic"

The moment we start fixing things outside to make ourselves happy, its going to be a never ending process. Instead we should be fixing things within us. In the sametime, we shouldn't be neglecting the external things that will make our living comfortable and easy in this world. No doubt the world has become a better place to live with all the scientific and materialistic advancements. All those material stuff should be seen as something that will only make our physical existence little easier. They never can give us permanent happiness that we seek in our lives.

The ultimate point here is the moment we take charge of our happiness, nothing external can control it. Happiness will no longer be something that we pursue all through our life. Happiness will always blossom within us.

"Let's not give away the power of deciding our happiness to someone or something outside us"

With Love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

True indeed!! The moment we begin to look for happiness outside, the quest for it becomes far more elusive than anything else. We easily allow others or should i say let ourself rob us of our happiness. A simple delay in our schedule can toss our happiness. Instead in such situations, when we realize that certain things are beyond our control and we are hardly able to control these factors. A hard day can become a horrible day if we allow those uncontrollable factors to take control of our life. Good lesson to learn indeed. Keep up the good work!!!