Sunday, March 2, 2008

To Be Successful Identify Your Weakness

Hello Friends.

Welcome to Anbusivam’s blog page.

Yes, If we want to be successful we must be willing to objectively identify our weakness. But, not only identifying, the next important step is to sincerely work hard to overcome those weakness and come out stronger than ever.

The most common question asked in interviews is, “what are your strengths and weaknesses…?” and second part is always the most dreaded part of the question. Everyone has weaknesses, but who wants to admit them? Most of us would readily come up with a long list of our strengths and suddenly stumble when we have to list our weakness.

It’s all well and good to talk about our strengths, but every coin has two sides. The purpose of evaluating our weaknesses isn’t to induce misery or frustration. But it can prove to be a very eye-opening experience. And it opens the door for a great deal of awareness and improvement. We should be analyzing not only our strengths, most importantly our weakness very often, only to understand and take necessary corrective action.

I’ve seen people being diffident about their weakness, and drown into the mode of insecurity when someone asks about their weaknesses. If we are unaware of our weakness, where is the way to deal with it? Accepting our own weakness is not really a great aspect, its simply being honest to ourselves. The moment we acknowledge our weakness, then there is a possibility towards overcoming them and evolving as a stronger individual.

Let’s look at things objectively, recognize and admit weaknesses, make conscious decisions on what to do about them. Until we are subjectively attached with our emotional insecure feelings, there is no way we can understand our weakness.

Let's be objective to identify, understand and fix our weaknesses to be successful.

With Love,

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