Friday, April 4, 2008

Taking Ownership of What We Do.

Hello Friends.

Welcome to Anbusivam’s blog page.

I am writing this after a sleepless night....!!! Phew, Last evening, I found out a major mistake I've made in my work.....that's going to end up in some serious issues. So, I've a lot of fun and learnings awaiting next week. The best part of it is, I got an interesting thread to write here this morning.

Now, these kinds of situations could happen to all of us, but the important point I want to highlight here is, how do we handle them..??? Yes, of course one gets upset, panicked, irked with so many other nervous feelings. The moment you drain into them, situations becomes more and more complex to handle. Any common man will go through all these, what will make us different is how are we equipped to quickly come out of these situations to think for an objective solution or a corrective action at the earliest.

When we talk about Leadership, Taking Ownership is the most essential quality of any leader. Most of the time I’ve seen people start finding faults on others, blame on the situations and circumstances. How easy is it for us to just kick the ball out of our court..? Taking owner ship is all about accountability of both good and bad including our mistakes, excuses and failures. Taking ownership is just to point ourselves whether things go right or wrong. Yes, we all know this and we’ve read a lot on taking ownership. Though we are aware of what it means to take ownership, we are panicked when put into a real situation. In spite of all our knowledge on sailing in life, especially at times of rough weather we tend to loose control of our ship.

Simple, the possibility of looking at ourselves and correcting our course of journey becomes only possible when we stop the ball in our court. Although moving it onto others may give us a quick relief as it might take of some pressure on that moment, it really becomes tough to take further corrective actions as we become impotent to the situation. When we own our actions and attitude we can easily put right our mistakes and overcome failures, I am sure we experience a surge of potency and a sense of pride.

We can create a huge turn around in our life just by a small turn around to ourselves in taking ownership.

Affirmations we can use:
* I am accountable for all my actions.
* I take complete responsibility.
* I see what needs to be done, and do it.

Thanks for visiting my page.

With Love


Madan Mohan Reddy said...

I agree with you that one need to focus on working towards resolving it which is a positive process and not working against which is a negative process.No body is perfect and every one does mistakes & its only adaptations or corrections which distinguish the leaders .Its also one of the testing times where every one show their so called "professional" characteristics under this conditions & its of the defining moments to identify whether the group worked as a team exhibiting team spirit to resolve the issue & make adaptations or agreements not to repeat such incidents .I think ownership is vital, but you need choose your battles wisely, you'll need your energy for the ones that are worthy.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment buddy. Yes, one needs to battle wisely for a worthy cause.....That's very true.

shree sai nursing home said...

Hi,I totally agree with you about taking ownership of our mistakes.Man is called responsible because he has the ability to choose the "response to his environment".

Deekshanya said...

good posts! keep writing.

Unknown said...


Thank you for your comment and Thanks for visiting my page.