Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is Leadership - an Art or a Science...?

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Anbusivam's Blog Page.

Today in office at the lunch table, we were talking on Leadership in context with Satyam's scam, I would say it's indeed Ramalinga Raju's fraud.

Then came a question: Leadership - is it an Art or a Science...???

One of my colleagues said, "Leadership is an art, not a science. It depends mostly on sensitivity to circumstances, courage to face reality and a continual willingness to do whatever it takes to bring others along with an artistic eye for the future".

One another colleague said, "Leadership is a science, not an art. It purely depends on the ability to gather the data available around, gather tangible information and take appropriate decision on that for the future".

I believe "Leadership is more of an art with some science. Its all about dealing with people and situations those would probably lead to a better future if led in the right way".

What do you think on Leadership, is it an Art or a Science...???
Share your thoughts and comments.

Thanks for visiting my page.

With Love.


Unknown said...

Real leadership is something beyond arts and science

you have a good blog

keep in touch

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting Kumar. It would be great if you could share something, on that "something" beyond arts and science.

- Anbusivam

Anonymous said...

Anbusivam & Kumar,

Your comments and question, pulled me in.

Leadership can be explained as a sum of (lots) skills in a right proportion. Few of the skills are SCIENCE, Most of the skills are ART and its usage at the right time, right degree, right purpouse and right way is defintely more than an ART. ( this "right" things are taken from Aristotle).

Here goes Thiru Valluvar on King, ( i tried link it to Leaders )

" That land (team) prospers where king (leader) is simple and not harsh in words"

" Courage, Giving, Knowledge and Zeal are four failless (and also in right degree) features royal (leaders"

"He is Light of Kings (leaders) who has Bounty, Justice, Care and Grace"

"and so on.."

- OdhaSathGuru
(Manivel Sethu)

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting and your valuable commnets Manivel. It's nice you took your time to write. Nicely you've brought in Thirukural here into the context.

- Anbusivam