Sunday, July 8, 2007

14 great human mistakes...

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Anbusivam's blog page.

At the end of a hectic and fully occupied Sunday, I just took out an old book from my book shelf, turned to page no.176 (was a random choice) and here's what I found…

Orison Swett Marden once identified 14 great human mistakes. He felt it was a great mistake for us to:

1. Set our own standard of right and wrong.
2. Judge people accordingly.
3. Measure the joy of others by our own.
4. Expect uniformity of opinion in this world.
5. Look for judgment or experience in youth.
6. Endeavor to mold all dispositions alike.
7. Yield to immaterial trifles.
8. Look for perfection in our own actions.
9. Worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied.
10. Fail to alleviate all that needs alleviation so far as lies in our power.
11. Fail to make allowance for the infirmities of others.
12. Consider everything impossible that we cannot perform.
13. Believe only what our finite minds can grasp.
14. Expect to be able to understand everything.

For those who don’t know Orison, he is the founder of Success Magazine, is also considered to be the founder of the modern success movement in America.

You can find more about Orison and his works here Orison Swett Marden

Happy Learning, All the best.

With Love,

1 comment:

Shourya Sarcar said...

Love #7. Impressive blog. Subscribed to RSS.